Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Speech Outile - Wine Testing - 698 Words

Three Basic Steps in Wine Tasting I. Introduction: A. Attention Getter: â€Å"Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance. Benjamin Franklin I am a wine lover and I drink wine in all the important moments in my life B. Credibility Statement: Every time I went to a restaurant or a winery I wish I knew the correct form of tasting wine but the truth was that I ignored how to do it. I know it very helpful to enjoy wine better. C. Thesis: Wine tasting is a complete science that requires a lot of time and study. But there are basic useful steps to learn how to taste wine fast and easy D. Preview: Today I will talk about the three basic steps in wine tasting. The look, the smell and the taste II.†¦show more content†¦Swirl the glass by rotating the wrist no the entire arm. 2. Place your nose over the edge of the glass and take a very deep sniff. Try to identify any familiar smell, repeat but rest your sense of smell for a few seconds before you smell again. You could smell oak, berry, flowers, vanilla, citrus and many others aromas. C. Taste: the most important quality of a wine is its balance between sweetness and acidity. 1. Initial taste (first impression): this is when the wine awakens your senses. Take a sip; roll it over the tongue for several seconds before swallowing. Exhale through your nose as you swallow. Your taste buds and sense of smell will work together. 2. Final taste: is the taste that remains in your mouth after you have swallowed the wine. How long the flavor last in the mouth? Was it light-bodied like water or full- bodied like milk? Was it pleasant? After tasting the wine, take a moment to value its overall flavor and balance. 3. Keep in mind or in a notebook your impressions of the wines and remember the labels. The next time that you are purchase a wine you chose the one that you like the most III. Conclusion A. Signal conclusion: as you can see wine tasting is an art but with a few tips everyone could know the basic concepts B. Summarizes: remember that there are three basic steps in order to taste a wine: look, smell and taste C. Impact statements: we live in California the first state in production of wine

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